This policy was established by Sunnat Global (hereafter referred to as "Firm") to control all advertising panels via which the company strives to expand its business and reach out to more customers. Advertisement is the medium via which a corporation communicates all aspects of its product to the general audience. This policy allows the organisation to communicate in a variety of ways.

This policy specifies the types of content that will be disseminated through advertisements. This policy also includes a Prohibited Contact guideline that should be considered when publishing a company advertisement.

This policy was established by Sunnat Global (hereafter referred to as "Company") to manage all advertising panels through which the company advertises. This policy covers the use of social media by employees, which includes blogs, wikis, microblogs, message boards, chat rooms, electronic newsletters, online forums, social networking sites, and other sites and services that allow users to share information with others in real time. This policy specifies the types of content that will be disseminated through advertisements. This policy also includes a Prohibited Contact guideline that should be considered when publishing a company advertisement. The social media policy will help in regulating the content of the social media advertisement in such way that it will provide guidance that shall be applicable to every employee, direct seller or any other person who has been using social media, and includes blogs, websites, chat rooms, and other services which shall assist in following upon the required information in the prominent and legible manner.


The major goal of this policy is to only publish information that has been approved/authorized in accordance with this policy, as well as to restrict all content that has been restricted by the company.

Means to advertisement

Meaning: - Advertising is a form of commercial communication in which a product, service, or concept is promoted or sold through the use of an explicitly sponsored, non-personal message. Businesses that want to market their products or services are often advertising sponsors.

Traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising, or direct mail; and new media such as search results, blogs, social media, websites, or text messages are all used to transmit advertising.

Advertisement policy includes:-

Advertising is communicated through various mass media including traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; and new media such as search results, blogs, social media, websites or text messages.

  • The company will only be liable for any information published through advertisement after final consent has been received from the company.
  • Advertisements should not contain any deceptive statements and should only display facts about the company's items
  • Advertisement can be in both languages i.e. in English and Hindi language.
  • Published Advertisement is as per issued guidelines of The Advertising Standards Council of India.
Code of conduct
  • 1. Each Direct Seller, employee shall correspond to the particular position in the Company's specific location, and should be commendable to others if the Direct Seller Company/employee can be identified while doing business or by the Direct Seller Company.
  • 2. You may have to chose the social media accounts that are entirely personal, not mentioning the employer in various situations, and no sharing of information between the personal and professional account of the Company.
  • 3. Direct seller and the employee have been considered as prohibited from sharing of the information over the social media in relation to Company without the prior approval of the Company. However, any fake information posted on the social media will hamper the reputation of the Company in the market.
  • 4. The direct seller and the employee need to provide the complete details in respect of the provide the information to the customer and has been considered as mandatory to provide the true and correct information of all the products in detail.
  • 5. In order to avoid infringement of third party right over you, you are required to follow this code of conduct in true letter and spirit. Direct seller and the employee have been considered liable to follow upon the terms mentioned under the advertisement as well as social media policy.
  • 6. Direct seller and the employee are considered to be accountable in relation to all their conduct done on behalf of the company over social media.

The company appoints a person to evaluate all of the company's advertisements on a first-come, first-served basis, and then provide his feedback to the company, along with any necessary corrections.

  • Before advertising any of the material, the final approval of the Company shall be required. If any advertisement shall not be published before the final approval of the company, then in case of any penal provision, company shall not be considered liable.
  • In regard to the advertisement, the major intent associated with the company is to promote approved materials and product and thus it will not infringe legal right associated with the person.

The following content has been considered as prohibited and will not be allowed to be published under the Company advertisement:

  • Company advertisement shall not include use of any drugs or illegal products that will cause harm to human health.
  • Company doesn’t allow the advertising of anything that facilitates or promotes illegal products, services, or activities, including products that provide instructions for or equipment to illegally access or tamper with software, servers, cell phones or websites that result to mislead any of the target group.
  • Company advertisement shall not include any false statement regarding company product result. Example- consumption of company product will instant reduce your weight.
  • Company shall not allow advertising for the election or defeat of political candidates running for public office, including fundraising for political candidates or parties.
  • Company advertisement shall not include any false statement that attract customer to purchase company product.
  • Advertisement allows the advertising of tobacco products including but not limited to Cigarettes, E-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, Nicotine products, Vapes or vape cartridges etc.
  • The advertisement shall not bully, harass or threaten violence against anyone on or outside of social/print media or any documents. If you find yourself in a disagreement on social/print media or any documents, use a respectful tone or disengage.
  • The advertisement shall not contain any adult contain such as sexually suggestive content, vulgarity, etc.
  • Company shall not allow products made from tortoise shell, ivory, coral, crocodile skin, pangolin, tiger, polar bear or sea otter fur, and other endangered wildlife.
  • The content of the advertisement shall not promote products or designs that induces the customer to engage in some cheating and deceitful practices
  • Those advertisement that promotes income opportunities need to describe the associated product or business model and not necessarily promote the business models of offering quick money for some amount of investment including multi-level marketing opportunities.

This policy provides guidance for employee for use of social media, which should be broadly understood for purposes of this policy to include blogs, wikis, microblogs, message boards, chat rooms, electronic newsletters, online forums, social networking sites, and other sites and services that permit users to share information with others in a contemporaneous manner.

The policy shall assist in providing the guidance which need to be applied to every employee, direct seller or any other person associated with the Company. It will also include blogs, websites, microblogs, and other social networking sites which will allow the users to permit the necessary information in the most legible manner.


The use of the social media account has been considered beneficial for different purposes. In the present times, employees need to post only such updates, messages or otherwise use these accounts, when the purpose has been majorly used in the objective of the Company.

Employees need to post the updates, messages or otherwise use the accounts in line with the objectives of the Company.

Employees has been primarily using the social media accounts:

  • For responding to the customer queries and request made for the help
  • Sharing of the blogs, articles and other content which has been created by the Company.
  • Sharing of the videos, articles, media and other relevant documents which has been considered relevant to the business, but not majorly created by others.
  • Assist in providing the insight in relation to what is happening around the company .
  • Assist in promoting the marketing campaign and other special offers.
  • Assist in supporting the new product launches and other initiatives associated with it .
  • Social media has been considered as the powerful tool, which keeps on changing. Employees has been considered to think in the new and modern ways which will helps in putting the ideas to the social manager.

Regard to using of the social network, employees has been using the social media accounts of the Company from time to time by following upon simple rules which would help in avoiding the most common pitfalls:

  • • Ascertain the social network: Employees need to spend time becoming familiar with the social media account before contributing the same. Employees need to paste only those content which has been fruitful with regard to the company.
  • • If unsure, then don’t post it: Employee who feels an update or message make some complaints, then it is better that the employee should not post it. Most of the staff members need to always count on the company for the essential advices.
  • • Thoughtful and Polite: Most of the social media have got no trouble simply by failing to observe basic good manners in an online. Employees should adopt same level of courtesy while communicating the messages through E-mail.
  • • Look out for security threats: Staff members need to look upon for social engineering and all the phishing attempts. Social networks are also used for the purpose of distributing the spam and malware.
  • • Don’t make promises without checking: Most of the social networks are considered as very public, employees should not make any commitments or promises on behalf of the name of the Company without checking that the Company can deliver on the promises.
  • • Handle complex queries through the other channel: Social networks are not been considered as the good place to resolve complicated inquiries and customer issues.
    The customer need to made contact, employees should handle further communications via the most appropriate channel.
  • • Don’t escalate things: It’s easy to post a quick response with respect to the contentious status update and then regret it. Employees need to always take time to think before responding, and if they are in any doubt at all.

Company board of directors formed a committee, which shall regulate and monitor information posting on social media from time to time and provide corrective information to related person in case any prohibited content published by direct seller, employee, customer or any other associated person with the Company.


The following principle apply to professional use of the social media on behalf of the Company

  • Employees need to know and adhere to the Company’s Code of Conduct, and other company policies when using social media in reference to Company.
  • Employees should be aware that Company may observe content and information made available by employees through social media. Employees should use their best judgment in posting material that is neither inappropriate nor harmful to Company, its employees, or customers
  • Although not an exclusive list, some specific examples of prohibited social media conduct include posting commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libellous, or that can create a hostile work environment.
  • Employees are not to publish, post or release any information that is considered confidential or not public.
  • Social media networks, blogs and other types of online content sometimes generate press and media attention or legal questions. Employees should refer these inquiries to authorized Company spokespersons.
  • Employees should get appropriate permission before you refer to or post images of current or former employees, members, vendors or suppliers. Additionally, employees should get appropriate permission to use a third party's copyrights, copyrighted material, trademarks, service marks or other intellectual property.
  • Subject to the applicability law, employee’s online activity shall not violate the code of conduct of the Company or any other Company policy which may be subjected to the disciplinary action or the termination.
  • It has been highly recommended that the entire employees need to kept social media accounts separate from the personal accounts.
Modifications to this Policy

Company reserves the right to change this policy Notice at any time. If we change this policy Notice we will update the effective date and such changes will be effective upon posting. We encourage you to review the policy regularly.