Scope & Preface

Under this policy Sunnat Global (Herein after referred as “Company”), adopt marketing policies to sale out its product. The marketing strategy has been considered as the process which will allow the company to concentrate on the limited resources for availing greatest opportunities to increase the sales and attain a sustainable competitive advantage.

All the marketing and communication must be done in accordance with the objectives of the Companies. The marketing and communication activities need to get aligned with the priorities of the Company and must be factual and ethical. The policy has been intended to amplify and expand upon the principles contained with the Brand Guidelines.

Further This policy will cover all the marketing methods adopted by the Company for promoting the products of the Company. It will include the promotional materials, cards and any other tools used by the direct seller for marketing the products and selling them to the ultimate customer.

Aims of the policy
  • Marketing policy will help Company to grow market share.
  • Marketing policy build product awareness and increases the visibility
  • Introduce new product in market
  • Helps to identify potential customers
  • Marketing policy helps to promote mission, vision, goals.
  • Increase customer relations.
Ways of Marketing of company :

The marketing can be done through -

  • Print Media, News paper advertisement, Brochures, Social media, Email ,Company website, Seminars, Direct marketing to customers, Meeting and Mouth Publicity, Webinars, Events and experiences
How the marketing should be done :
  • Before communicate anything about company product all must be first approved by marketing manager, which will help in ensure consistency with all message.
  • No change will be made by any person in company logo without the company, marketing manager approval.
  • Once logo approved by company, then it will be placed on all company product, all communication method adopted by company.
  • Whenever the direct seller will promote the product of the company or communicate to the customer about the product either through marketing or through visit at customer address, then before this he will demand the approved material from the company.
  • The entire taglines that communicate about company product and used in the bottom during advertisement of company product, first it will be approved by board of company.
  • Marketing manager shall review contents published on company website and provide suggestive or corrective measure that will help to ensure consistency to the branding and messaging and make the company website more reliable.
  • Company direct seller shall not indulge in unfair trade practices.
  • Direct seller shall not communicate anything about company product before taking prior approval from company and board of directors.
  • Direct seller shall ensure that content of product published through various mode are same as actual characteristics of the product.
  • For attracting customers company direct seller in any condition shall not make any false or misleading statement of company product.
  • The promotional literature, advertisement or mail contain the name and address or telephone of the direct selling company, and include the mobile number of the direct seller;
  • Direct seller shall ensure that all product detail is complete, accurate, term of payment, right to return, after sale services etc.
  • Direct seller is required to take prior approval from customer before visiting his address.
  • Direct seller shall carry ID card with him at the time of marketing company product to the customer.
Restrictions on unfair trade practices:

No company and its direct selling entity shall adopt any unfair trade practice in the course of its business or otherwise, and shall abide by the requirements specified in any law for the time being in force.

“Unfair trade practices” means a trade practice which, for the purpose of promoting the sale, use or supply of any goods or for the provision of any service, adopts any unfair method or unfair or deceptive.

Restriction on Pyramid Scheme

Neither the company nor any of its direct seller shall indulge or promoted to pyramid scheme.

"Pyramid Scheme" means a multi layered network of subscribers to a scheme formed by subscribers enrolling one or more subscribers in order to receive any benefit, directly or indirectly, as a result of enrolment or action or performance of additional subscribers to the scheme, in which the subscribers enrolling further subscribers occupy a higher position and the enrolled subscribers a lower position, resulting in a multi-layered network of subscribers with successive enrolments:

Restriction on Mis-selling

Neither the company nor any of its direct seller shall engaged or promote Mis- selling of goods.

"Mis-selling" means selling a product or service by misrepresenting in order to successfully complete a sale and includes providing consumers with misleading information about a product or service or omitting key information about a product or providing information that makes the product appear to be something it.

Restriction on money circulation

Company and its entire direct seller are restricted from engage in money circulation practice.

"Money circulation scheme" means the schemes defined in clause (c) of section 2 of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978 (43 of 1978);


Sales policy consists of internal rules, principles and procedures which help to define the efficient way of support for the established sales process, as well as the wanted behaviour of all the participants in that process, in order to ease the communication and cooperation with the future or potential clients. This policy applicable on all such order placed before company.

Obligations of sellers and buyer

As per provision of contract act it is the duty the seller to deliver the product and of buyer to accept that product and pay some consideration as per terms of contract entered between them mentioned under: -

Delivery and payment are simultaneous condition

Both the terms of delivery of the goods and payment by the buyer are interlinked i.e. the seller has to give title to the goods in return for payment and the buyer will be willing to pay for the goods delivered.

We accept and orders received by company at company website

Pricing and description of product

Once customer login over company website through login id and user password and then where he can easily see the prices of product along with complete description of product. In case customer place his order and paid for the same but unable to proceed with that order then in this case customer have a right to cancel that order.

Order acceptance

All orders before proceed to shipment subject to verify and reviewed by company. Company has sole right to cancel any order. Customer account can also be removed by company discretion.

In some situation your order shall be cancelled in case of when there are insufficient inventory, payment is not made. Company at its own discretions may require more details before shipment of that product. Company will inform you if your placed order is cancelled and when company require more detail

Standard quality product

Before making delivery of Order Company will confirm that product meet quality standard fixed by company if the customer raised request for the same. Customer may check company quality certificate at company website

Unfair trade practices

No company and its direct selling entity shall adopt any unfair trade practice in the course of its business or otherwise, and shall abide by the requirements specified in any law for the time being in force.

Grievance officer

If a consumer has a problem with a product sold by the firm, he should contact the company's grievance officer, who is selected by the company's grievance committee.

direct selle shall
  • Direct seller shall provide an order form at or prior to the time of initial sale.
  • Order form shall contain complete detail such as name, address, registration number or enrolment number, identity proof and contact no. of the supplier.
  • It shall provide complete description of goods and services to be supplied, the country of origin of the goods, the order date, the total amount to be paid by consumer.
  • It shall also provide the time and place for inspection of the sample and delivery of goods, consumer right to cancel the order or to return the product in saleable condition.
  • Order form also provide how to avail full refund on sums paid and complete details regarding the complaint redressal mechanism of direct selling entity.
  • Direct seller shall ensure that actual product delivered to the buyer matches with the description of the product given.
  • Direct seller take appropriate steps to ensure the protection of all sensitive personal information provided by consumer in accordance with applicable law.
  • Direct seller obtain goods and service tax registration, permanent account number registration and all applicable trade registration and license and comply with the requirement of applicable law, rule and regulation for sale of a product.
Acknowledgment by the Consumer while executing Order
  • The consumer ensures and acknowledge that he/she shall be made aware in respect to the available payment methods of the Company.
  • The consumer ensures and acknowledge about the purchase of the product and no undue pressure, coercion has been put upon him/her by any direct seller for purchase of any product.
  • Customer acknowledge that he shall be made aware in respect of all the marketing channels adopted by the company.
Amendments to this Policy

At any time, the company retains the right to modify this policy Notice. If we make any modifications to this policy Notice, we will update the effective date, and the changes will take effect immediately after they are posted. We recommend that you evaluate the policy on a frequent basis.